The Covid19 crisis has generated a significant impact on small companies, both in the workplace and in people management. This observation concerns both the current period and the end of the crisis in 2021.
The state of alert decreed by governments to deal with the health crisis has forced the paralysis of the activity of a large number of small businesses as well as self-employed people. Faced with this situation, many companies will be forced at the beginning of 2021 to review their workforce due to the drop in their income. They will also have to reconsider their way of working.
The leaders will then have to manage and train their staff to remain competitive faced with the current crisis. To help them, Finelis offers a unique solution: that of qualitative Outsourcing. By resorting to outsourcing, you save time in running your business.
The qualifying outsourcing benefits for CEOs are numerous. By outsourcing the transition and the adaptation of employees to the new work environment, managers will be able to refocus on their activities considered central and strategic.
Saving time: one of the qualitative outsourcing benefits for CEOs
Your company does not necessarily have the qualified personnel or the time necessary to carry out the outings of one or more of your employees. Indeed, staff administration is a relatively large area which requires special attention.
The risks are real: slowdown in activity, demotivation, encroachment on personal time, etc. Hiring a full-time or part-time person is a solution, but it comes at a cost.
By using an external service provider such as Finelis, costs are reduced. The company can free itself from the time to concentrate fully on its core business and obtain a real gain in reactivity and competitiveness.
The company will gain in quality in two different ways. On the one hand, she will be able to spend more time in a field of activity that she has mastered, and on the other hand she will entrust an outsourced mission falling within Finelis’ area of expertise.
Depending on your budget, you can also decide to delegate other high value-added projects to us to always save more time. You benefit from the same services and results by outsourcing your marketing strategy or by adopting the right sales strategy for your activity.

Better resource management
One of the other qualitative outsourcing benefits for CEOs is undoubtedly financial. By using this practice, the company will only allocate the resources necessary for a given service.
The outsourcing solution is presented as a more economical way to manage certain activities such as administrative management, marketing service, sales, etc.
The company will reduce costs and salary costs since it will replace indirect costs in direct costs. The manager therefore obtains better visibility since he can simply know how much it costs him exactly to manage his employees. The ROI can thus be defined simply.
Continuity of activity and maintenance of employment
Avoid lay-offs
We act on the exit of the employee from your company by helping you to draft the conventional terminations or the dismissal procedures. But our support goes further. We are at your side to answer your questions and avoid dismissal without real and serious cause.
You will gain in reliability and precision if you delegate the management of departures to Finelis and / or its expert partners. Labor laws and taxation that apply to staff management are very strict and you need to know them well. In addition, it is constantly evolving. As a specialist service provider, you can count on the professionalism of our teams to avoid penalties for omissions or administrative errors.
With an objective look, we can ensure that the departure of your employees does not happen abruptly. You don’t have to part with a key resource for good. We thus avoid economic, social, human consequences, etc.
Continue to work with the same person(s)
Thanks to Finelis and its qualitative outsourcing formula, companies, whatever the sector of activity, will be able to continue working with the same person(s).
In the current context, it is increasingly important for companies to be responsive to keep their business in place. They need to be able to show flexibility, especially in terms of managing relationships with employees.

Support for the employee and proposal for a new status
One of the other qualitative outsourcing benefits for CEOs concerns the support of the employee. The objective of this support is to give the employee a real chance of reintegration by offering him access to training and therefore the acquisition of greater autonomy.
The training and skills development that it targets represent today a major issue for employees. This is why Finelis and / or its expert partners get in touch directly with the employee through an individual interview in order to collect their needs and thus draw up a plan for the development of their skills and a training plan. The goal is to make it fully operational when it leaves the company.
Today, there is no shortage of training offers on the market and they are constantly on the move. New actors are appearing and offering training which can take place in whole or in part remotely. The HR teams in place do not necessarily have the time and skills required to seize these opportunities. An outsourced service can then become a valuable support for HR management.
In addition, the employee has the possibility of returning to his job by changing status to become a self-employed worker. Today, the transition from employee to self-employed has never been easier. Yet this change can be scary.
Finelis and its expert partners support employees in their efforts to reassure them and convince them that they are making the right choice. We take care of it with the help of our partners * and we direct it towards the best status corresponding to it: entrepreneur, freelance or consultant.
The qualitative outsourcing benefits for CEOs: the case of Spain
The Covid-19 health crisis is causing a huge impact on businesses in Spain. Faced with this unprecedented situation, the government and public administrations have approved a series of measures to mitigate the economic consequences of the coronavirus.
The collapse of productive and commercial activity as a result of the pandemic is concentrating its devastating effects on small businesses, which are also the most affected by the lack of liquidity and those which have had to resort the most to ERTE.
The ERTE has admittedly made it possible to partially offset the fall in the wage bill and to mitigate the effects of the crisis on wage inequalities, but it remains limited in time.

Outsourcing of 1 or 2 key positions at the end of the ERTEs
As we saw previously, outsourcing has many benefits for CEOs. This is truer since the health crisis which poses a real problem for small companies. Despite declining revenues, these companies are doing their utmost to maintain their quality processes and defend their values.
One of the first consequences of this crisis directly concerns human capital. The loss of many jobs, the increase in the unemployment rate, the excess of standards and regulations have plagued businesses. What will happen at the end of the crisis in 2021?
This is where outsourcing comes in. It will facilitate a good social climate and relieve the business manager of certain time-consuming constraints. Qualifying outsourcing will then allow it to continue its activity and maintain employment in 2021.
By outsourcing certain tasks, the manager will save time and have more flexibility to devote himself to his strategic activities.
Human and efficient support
We support both managers and employees who would be affected by a reduction in the workforce. Aware of the value of human capital, we are studying the possibilities for everyone to continue their activity by adapting them to each need.
The intelligent and “managed” outsourcing (or qualitative Outsourcing) offered by Finelis makes it possible to find a progressive solution for companies having to concentrate on the essential: their core activity for their existing customers, secure the most reliable revenues and remain competitive in this new established world by prioritizing its prospects.
To find out more, discover our qualitative Outsourcing formula.
Choosing Finelis means increasing efficiency through outsourcing!
* Credible company or association (Barcelona Activa, etc.) with which Finelis will have a long-term agreement for 1 or more clients.