The importance of digital transformation for companies
Nowadays, digitalization has become an unavoidable reality for companies. It does not only concern large companies. Freelancers and SMEs must also adapt their business model and accelerate their digital transformation. What are the challenges of digitalization for companies? What does digitalization refer to in the business world?
Digital transformation has many advantages. Moreover, it concerns all sectors of activity. Whether you are a service company, an industrial company or any other, digitalization must now be part of your development strategy. Companies have every interest in acquiring new and more efficient tools to face the constant evolution of work methods.
Find out everything you need to know about digitalization and what are the challenges for your company.
What is the digitalization of the company?
We hear about digitalization everywhere, but it’s not just a buzzword in the world of new technologies. A process that transforms traditional processes through digital technologies, digitalization has revolutionized the business world. It has become essential for companies that want to increase their customer portfolio and boost their performance and growth in existing or new markets.
Digital transformations concern the different services or departments of the company, both in their way of functioning and in the efficiency obtained from this evolution.
It’s not just about creating a LinkedIn page for your company or appearing on social networks. The digital revolution goes much further. Of course, it requires the implementation of technologies in the processes and sectors of the organization, but it also requires the diffusion of a true digital culture within the organization.
Digitization is therefore very important for small and medium-sized companies in search of profitability. It offers undeniable advantages to maintain or develop their business.

The advantages of digital transformation for companies
Digitalization will improve many aspects within the company and will help it to become more efficient, more profitable and more attractive for its customers. So, let’s see what the multiple benefits of digital transformation for companies are:
Time saving
By automating certain tedious tasks such as accounting or data entry operations… they become more efficient. Automation also allows to anticipate anomalies and to correct them in a fast and efficient way. As a result, it will help to better optimize work time for a company in search of results.
Communication at lower cost
Digitizing a company’s advertising campaigns is a way to spend less than if it had to print flyers and send them. Gone are the days of printing, buying stamps and envelopes, and going to the post office! Now, this process is simplified and done entirely online at almost no cost.
Thanks to the digital evolution, companies not only save money, but also contribute to the protection of the environment.
Opening up new, previously inaccessible markets
Is there a way to reach a maximum number of people in a minimum amount of time that is as powerful as digital technology? Internet is simply a revolution to covet new markets! Thanks to the web, companies can now reach people all over the world, at any time of the day or even night!
Improving customer relations, one of the main challenges of digitalization for companies
This is probably one of the areas where digitalization helps the company the most by promoting connectivity between SMEs and their customers through digital tools. The company places the human being at the heart of its transformation project. From now on, the customer has all the information he needs. They can interact with the company and get in touch with it at any time.
As for start-ups and even the smallest companies, the digital shift allows them to improve their operations. They benefit from useful information to personalize their relationship with customers and better satisfy their needs.
New corporate culture
The digital revolution also leads to the development of a new corporate culture. The implementation of digital tools changes the way of working in the company, with new ways of thinking, new activities and skills. Executives, managers or sometimes employees themselves want to develop these skills internally to transform themselves digitally and follow the current marketing trends.

What are the tools used in digitalization?
There are many transformation tools to optimize the way companies work. And today, using efficient and innovative tools promotes the digital transformation of your organization. Here is an overview of some of the tools at your disposal, used in digital projects. Investing in these tools will ensure your competitiveness.
The website
The website of a company is the first visible window for your customers. Make sure it is pleasant and easy to use. Optimize it so that it appears in search engines and is as efficient as possible.
Collaborative suites
Companies now have solutions to improve the productivity of their services and reduce management time. One example is Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) which allows employees or partners to interact wherever they are. But that’s not all! The Google Workspace suite has many uses such as the possibility to organize meetings, to plan your schedules and absences, to carry out team projects, to store documents…
The CRM tool: one of the challenges of digitalization for companies
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has also become an essential digital transformation tool for companies. It helps to better identify and know your customers. This makes it easier to understand them and satisfy them by offering them products that meet their exact needs.
To go further: Why should your company use a CRM?
Thanks to the new digital tools, your company can reach levels of performance never imagined before.

The strategic challenge of digitalization for companies
The transformation of organizations affects their entire operation (distribution, customer experience, communication, etc.). This is why it should not be considered as an activity or a project, but rather as a complete and structural overhaul of the company’s operations. This is why it must be part of your company’s marketing strategy.
Outsourcing: an added value for the digitalization of companies
Outsourcing also accompanies the digital transformation. You can entrust the digitalization of your activities or redefine new digital processes to service providers specialized in the subject. Your company will save time and money.
Our Finelis team can help companies in their digital strategy to boost their performance. They will make the transformation your company needs to use different channels and access new potential customers.
In conclusion, it is useless to remind the necessity and the urgency to implement the digitalization of your company, in good conditions, with the help of professionals. You will be able to surpass your competitors! The markets are waiting for your digital company!